Realise sustainable Mental Fitness

Our goal is to support clients to have strong minds, which will enable them to skilfully handle life’s challenges, stressors, and pressures, while mindfully enjoying positive experiences.
Many people sit in the state of ‘knowing’ – they have a certain degree of knowledge about what is good, right, and healthy for them. However, they often inconsistently implement the ideas, practices, or habits to pro-actively embed this knowledge. This is not for want of trying or motivation, but due to not having a systematic approach to designing relevant effective behaviour.
We support clients to reduce this disconnect between knowing, doing and being, by clearly identifying and sharing the specific knowledge and skills that an individual client, or a team, requires to enhance their mental fitness.
Customising Programs and Services that utilise the ‘knowing, doing, being’ cyclical learning framework. From experience, we believe that managing each client’s specific needs while appropriately supporting them is critical to success.
Broadening a client’s awareness and use of psychological vocabulary and literacy, and offering the appropriate resources, which will ultimately enhance their embeddable skills for fostering mental fitness.
Educating clients about effective behaviour design and habit formation, by using our adopted guiding philosophy that ‘simplicity changes behaviour’. We offer clients practical skills that will facilitate positive, intergenerational change.
Encouraging and supporting clients to develop and exercise self-determination while being intrinsically motivated. These personal attributes represent a major determining factor in goal attainment and effective psychological wellbeing.
Uncompromisingly challenging and supporting clients to discover, design, and implement the approach they will need to enjoy continual and sustainable, lifelong mental fitness, personal effectiveness, and professional growth.
Respectfully and ethically partnering with clients to identify, celebrate, and leverage their pre-existing personal strengths, which are clinically proven to energise people if used appropriately and mindfully.
Customising Programs and Services that utilise the ‘knowing, doing, being’ cyclical learning framework.
Educating clients about effective behaviour design and habit formation, by using our adopted guiding philosophy that ‘simplicity changes behaviour’.
Uncompromisingly challenging and supporting clients to discover, design, and implement the moving parts they will need to enjoy continual and sustainable, lifelong Mental Fitness, personal effectiveness, and professional growth.
Broadening a client’s awareness and use of psychological vocabulary and literacy, and the appropriate resources, which will ultimately enhance their embeddable skills for fostering Mental Fitness.
Encouraging and supporting clients to develop and exercise self-determination while being intrinsically motivated. These personal attributes represent a major determining factor in goal attainment and psychological wellbeing.
Respectfully and ethically partnering with clients to identify, celebrate, and leverage their pre-existing personal strengths, which are clinically proven to energise people if used appropriately and mindfully.
Our constant focus, as Co-Founders and Program Facilitators, is to ensure that we effectively update and implement industry leading research and methodologies, while optimising the effectiveness of the design and delivery of our Programs and Services.
The boutique nature of the business enables us to be highly innovative and flexible with our Programs and Services, which ensures that we cater to a client’s specific requirements.
Measure your Level of Control, Commitment, Confidence and Challenge
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